Zimbabwe and Uganda launched their first homegrown satellites into space yesterday. Zimbabwe and Uganda have launched their first homegrown satellites into space aboard a NASA rocket. Report says Zimbabwe’s satellite, named ZimSat-1, was designed and assembled by three of the country’s scientists who were supported and trained in Japan. Uganda's satellite, the PearlAfricaSat-1 was also built by three of its aerospace engineers, and hopes that it will be able to set up its own command station to manage it. Meanwhile, once in orbit, the two satellites will collect images to help support research into weather forecasting, as well as monitoring border security, and disaster prevention for their countries.

Going back to a similar historic moment, for the African nation of Ghana, NASA launched the country's first-ever satellite, the GhanaSat-1, into orbit from the International Space Station on July 7, 2017. The cubesat, built by a Ghanaian engineering team at All Nations University, was delivered to NASA’s International Space Station a month before the launch.


African countries around the world are making headlines and achieving great feats. When will the Southern Cameroons be able to set out to create such scientific evolution in modern day? And What does Zimbabwe and Uganda have that the ~former British southern~ Cameroons do not have?

I’d say FREEDOM;

from repression and oppression, because with that comes a lot of other limitations. We heard yesterday, from one of the panelist just before undaunted, say: “Indirectly Ambazonia is being controlled by a proxy of France _LRC”


Chances of Francafrique countries prospering is thin, as Françafrique is the ultimate symbol of a confiscated, perverted sovereignty. This singular coinage perfectly illustrates France’s dogged refusal to decolonise. And as Senegalese novelist Boubacar Boris Diop notes, as such it continues to beget little monsters. “Françafrique” is a term referring to France’s sphere of influence in Africa, particularly its ex-colonies. The term was derived from the expression France-Afrique, which was used by the first president of Ivory Coast, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, in 1955 to describe his country’s close ties with France.

It was later renamed Françafrique by François-Xavier Verschave in 1998 to criticize the alleged corrupt and clandestine activities of various Franco-African political, economic, and military networks. Actually, Françafrique refers to a unique and absolutely fascinating political phenomenon: the continuous subjugation of supposedly sovereign African states – by their former colonial master, in this case, France. With this including continuous exploitation, how can one expect these countries to thrive?