Reports gathered from undaunted shows That the black legs those referred to as Green, red and yellow AMBAZONIANs are signing a document with LRC to cease fire. The first question would be why will LRC avoid the swiss negotiation and accept a Canadian cease fire?. Undaunted gathered that both parties signed in recognition of the roll of Canada to facilitate the dialogue and create an atmosphere conducive for both parties to address the root causes of the crises, produce a concrete Agenda and as well as pull in many other partner nations to jointly support the resolution of the crisis; A truce has been signed for a ceasefire by both lrc and Ambazonia Reps; But Then you will wonder, how true this coui be true , when will the modalities be worked on .The b adhoc to be Committee has not yet been constituted .

Undaunted gathered that A joint statement was signed by coupers led by Prof Carlson Anyangwe as lead, Co signed by AgovC, ACT, APLM and countersigned by the government of Canada. So it's worrisome that all that LRC wants is for a ceasefire not necessarily to dialogue and do the needful. We are also aware that for you to accept a cease fire, there are so many stakes involved,it means that your defense apparatus will be broken. what if all LRC wants is to destroy the defense on the ground to attack properly?

We should be wiser by now.

If all the promises promised 40 years ago has not yet been redeemed how much more a promise made far away from home. We also gathered that the objective of the cease fire is to release those in Kondengui prison, that's quite unfortunate. You should note that the Interim led by Dr Samuel IKOME SAKO doesenot support decisions that lack integrity just like .