Fighting The Evil of the One Cameroun Solution (Federation, Special Status, Centralized Decentralization) – No more Taxes to LRC.

Dear Ambazonians & Members of the International Community:

On the 22nd of September 2017, the spirit of our people left the jungle of Francafrique and on the 1st of October 2017, the Interim Government proclaimed the restoration of the sovereign statehood of Ambazonia. We have been struggling officially now for 5 years to regain international recognition, notably through the countries that overwhelmingly voted for our Independence on April 21st 1961.

In this period and before then, Ambazonia continues to shed blood due to the state terrorism of LRC in our country. Last week we all saw how LRC military has gone from covert attacks in schools as in the October 24, 2020 killings at the Mother Francisca Academy in Fiango -Kumba to open killings seen in Bamenda last week. LRC state terrorists are now going into school compounds openly to terrorize and kill students with impunity. Fellow Ambazonians, this would not be possible if we Ambazonians stopped these LRC terrorists from crossing the Mungo and the Metazem.

During the past several weeks, we talked about Dictator Paul Biya’s monologue in Quebec, and whose outcome does not abrogate the December 26, 1959 accords, that have kept Ambazonia in captivity and servitude. The “Accords de Cooperation” has rendered ineffective and non-existent, the pseudo-independence of all LRC institutions. In short, they are simply rubber stamps with neither the mandate nor authority to resolve pertinent issues of state.

Recently, the people of Ambazonia witnessed with abhorrence as Mr. Biya’s sycophants celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the killer-occupier of Ambazonia, meanwhile the genocidal commander himself was completely absent. From a docile and inconsequential Prime Minister to the “Meilleur Eleve”, the French pampered President, is yet to understand that mutual suspicion and mistrust can never grow an economy let alone sell a slogan suggesting an economic emergence in 2035.

This week, we will continue the discussion on the devastating consequences of the Accords de Cooperation, which engineered the failed federation with LRC in 1961. A return to a one Cameroun solution, be it Federation, Special Status, Centralized decentralization is nothing short of suicidal and exposes the myopia or outright selfishness of the sellouts, spoilers.

First of all, on behalf of your Interim Government led by Dr Samuel Sako, we want to extend a 21 Gun Salute to:

  1. All valiant Ambazonia Restoration Forces in the Home Front, those preparing for self-defense duties elsewhere and those in transit to the Home Front to protect Ambazonians from the state terrorists of LRC;
  2. To all Ambazonians everywhere and sympathizers in the Diaspora who continue to support the suffering people of Ambazonia at home, we of the Interim Government do not forget, will never forget and honor our brave people in these challenging times.

Once again, our people who think a return to One Cameroon in any of its forms with LRC must understand the consequence of that illogical choice. As President Samuel Sako stated during the previous Town hall and intergovernmental meetings, it is hard to imagine the stupidity of our jailed leaders who believe they can negotiate their release in exchange of our sovereignty. These Unionists, Federalists or special status proponents are willing to subsidize a foreign country called LRC under France with 50% of our hard earnings going directly to France under colonial agreements in place between Paris and Yaoundé. Julius Ayuk Tabe and the Nera 10 plus LRC enablers such as Paulinus Jua, Peter Shang, Uphie Chinje, Fai Yengo Francis, Philemon Yang, Felix Mbayu, Dion Ngute, Peter Musonge and co. know that France never colonized Ambazonia until her present efforts to enlarge Francafrique by annexing our country.

Dear Ambazonians, we now know that the Kondegui outliers and LRC enablers have decided that independence is no longer on their agenda. They have shifted position and that’s why they were against the Swiss-led process but endorsed the Grand national Dialogue and the Center for Dialogue and Negotiation in Canada working actively from the objectives of The Quebec monologue namely

  • Break the IG away from the Home Front;
  • Destroy the ARF loyal to the IG; and
  • Make everyone believe that Dr Sako and the IG are the problem.

Eight million Ambazonians cannot be derailed by a handful of spoilers, LRC enablers, and sellouts. We must close our ranks. Ambazonians must unite under Dr Sako’s leadership, now that he has demonstrated his transformational leadership; we cannot sit by and watch.

Fellow Ambazonians, these actions by the enemy within is a distraction to evade the Bipartisan United States Senate Resolution 684 calling for unconditional roundtable talks with a mediator and guarantors to resolve root causes. It is in the lawless modus operandi of the French speaking political leadership of the seceded LRC to avoid debate and common sense. Ambazonians do not want conflict with LRC. This war of Ambazonian independence rises out of the lawlessness of LRC vis-à-vis UN Resolution 1608, Article 4(b) of the African Union constitutive act and other international obligations in an illogical quest supported by France to expand Francafrique.

  1. message is today geared towards the Home Front and the ARF. We must be very watchful and follow the IG directions. While we are pursuing diplomatic means to gain recognition, we are not letting off other options. We have good news – the diplomatic effort is progressing faster than envisioned but its success depends on our ability to reorganize both at the Home Front and the diaspora. How do we achieve these objectives:

On the Home front,

  • No more paying taxes to LRC. Anyone caught paying taxes or collecting taxes on behalf of LRC is a criminal and must be stopped.
  • All ARF must adhere to the IG instruction in all aspects of our defense strategy and tactical operations;
  • Financial support will be based on clearly established procedures that factor in loyalty, consistency and peer review;
  • Sustained recruitment of ARFs based on a revised recruitment strategy;
  • Sustained public relations strategy to improve community relationship;
  • Diversified IG communication strategy between the Interim government and the Ambazonian people;
  • A sustained appeal from the IG to all misguided Ambazonians, be they coup plotters, spoilers and black legs to rejoin our comrades to fight on a common front to Buea.

On the Diaspora

  • Create a voting bloc. Like other minorities, creating a voting has several advantages. Politicians will be very willing to deal directly with us to move polices in our favor. Further, like the Eritreans, Ethiopians, and others, we no longer need lobbies to fight on our behalf. We must work hard in this direction.
  • Increase the funding base. We have come this far because we have the means to fund the ARF. We believe we can do better.

Fellow Ambazonians

Our people say

  • LRC remains a strongman’s wife! That strongman is France. In 2017 we decided to leave that bad luck after 57 years on a road with LRC to nowhere.
  • That bad luck is LRC’s ambition in connivance with France to annex our former sovereign state of Southern Cameroons aka the West Cameroon component state of the failed federation to mere regions of LRC by dirty tricks, corruption, and administrative edicts.
  • We respect the decision of French Cameroun to stay with France during and after seceding from the failed Cameroons Federation. They are a sovereign people and must chart their own course in history.
  • A road that transfers 50% of the sovereign wealth of our country annually to France in exchange for printed paper money, an irrelevant language called French, and destitution of our own people has been rejected by the People of the former British Southern Cameroons.
  • We Ambazonians shall define our future collectively and will fight re-colonization or re-federation with the devil to the last man standing on the shores, forests, plantations, hills and valleys of Ambazonia.

Short live the struggle for a sovereign and independent state of Ambazonia.

Long live the Federal Republic of Ambazonia