Speech Of The President On The Opening Day Of Assc Ii - Washington Dc 2022


Federal Republic of Ambazonia
6218 Georgia Avenue NW Suite 1-459,
Washington DC 20011-5125
Webpage: www.ambazoniagov.org
  Phone Number (318)243-6715

March 10, 2022

Ref. No. FRA/1003/22



 Honorable Delegates and Representatives of all LGAs and Counties,

 Dear ARF Representatives,

 Dear County and Regional Coordinators,

 Dear Stakeholders,

 Fellow Ambazonians,

Welcome, welcome, welcome to ASSC Washington 2022. Welcome to the second edition of our strategic gathering of stakeholders of this Interim Government (IG).

During our first gathering in Berlin on the 11th of April 2019, we projected to convene every year for this strategic summit. Unfortunately, the pandemic took its toll on our plans. We lost two straight years observing one quarantine after another, one lockdown after another.

But our liberation machine quickly adapted to the new virtual workspace, made adjustments to our operations, launched our signature AMBA WAR DRAFT, and raised the highest amount of funds ever, despite a pandemic that shot down the world’s economy.

Some who predicted the end of Ambazonia then have confessed that Ambazonia survived that wave better than many established countries.

Together we struggled to fight on amidst the lockdowns, travel restrictions, rising unemployment, business collapses, vaccine mandates, and mask mandates yet engineered the best year in the history of our struggle, 2021.

Yes! we did it against all odds. Thanks to your ingenuity and resilience as stakeholders, thanks to the proactive leadership of the government and the people.

Ambazonia excelled where many human initiatives around the world collapsed, we shocked our naysayers, confounded our doubters and surprised our detractors.

We sent shockwaves down the spine of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC), forcing even world leaders, from Switzerland to Washington to agree with us that the military option chosen by barbaric LRC, cannot and will not resolve this conflict. Today pressure is bearing on LRC from all sides by rising concerns within and by forces without, to accept the option of negotiation with Ambazonia.

But French Cameroon wants to crush the spirit and force of our resistance before they do so. In their desperation, they have decided to double down on their choicest weapon of divide and rule. They have worked hard, so very hard to infiltrate the core of our resistance from GZ to the diaspora, they are on a daily search to find and recruit willing hands, especially amongst our own comrades and stakeholders, to use our own weapons to break the backbone of our resistance.

They want to talk with a weakened IG, a famished ARF and a divided table. Whatever they try, fellow Ambazonians, this story cannot end the way they want but when and how we chose.

  1. we were high in our upward spiral when we were rudely awoken one morning in October 2021 by voices of discord yelling “There is a cocoyam in the house that must be removed; that the ship of our revolution was going to capsize because of dysfunctional leadership”. Some of us believed it, I believed some of that, but sorry we were lied to.

Because every attempt I made to utilize our institutions (Cabinet or Ethics) to fix the so-called dysfunctional IG was purposefully rejected. We were lied to. Then we were assured that the Restoration Council (RC) had the magic lab to diagnose the problem and solve it once and for all. Instead, the so-called RC launched a different campaign.

Their only published diagnosis of the so-called problem was “their request for more time to come out with a solution to the problem, one that will make a certain group of Ambazonians happy”, and that solution was, initially forced presidential elections, sanctioned not by our constitution but by will and caprices of a committee of haters in the RC.

When that collapsed they shifted their searchlight on gathering concocted allegations, lies and innuendos against the President to provide a reason for a surprised impeachment. They lied to us! In their rush to deliver, they refused or forgot to try the President, not even in a kangaroo mock trial.

Their lame argument was: SISIKU was not tried but was impeached. But they will hate to be reminded that Sisiku was only replaced by stakeholders because he left this IG by creating a pseudo-IG. SISIKU was replaced, impeachment was a wrong choice of words. The vacancy was not created by impeachment, it was created by absence.

Impeachment was a wrong use of language by the RC.

He abandoned the IG. When an officer quits the army and creates his own rebel army, you replaced him without an impeachment trial.

I did not leave this IG to create another government, Kometa did or let’s say he tried to create one; so, who deserves to be replaced or impeached now?

After forming their make-believe government, the disgruntled folks turned their focus on taking over ABC and the people’s treasury from those who contributed to it.

Fortunately, Dr Tita busted all the lies in trade by a group of comrades. He made the best decision to quit their ranks, describing the entire cabal as an enterprise of hate and lies. He spoke to the conscience of our struggle.

He underlined that we Ambazonians can settle our differences amicably in a forum like this one or by using our institutional framework to do so.

For and on behalf of the 35,000 lost, I decorate Dr Emmanuel Tita this day with the medal of Honor and integrity. How many of us will be bold enough to make that U-turn whenever we realize we made the wrong judgment?

Now the blinded remnant of the hate enterprise is going bananas. They are hacking our websites and jubilating stealing our intellectual properties and boasting.

Let me assure you that they will understand in the days ahead, the unlimited power of the American justice system. How can a people go to hunt an elephant but catch a neighbor’s rat and call that success, claiming the rat is also a small elephant?

They should have invested their energy in doing better since they say they can, instead of staking their survival on a doomed takeover strategy.

They are playing injury time to stop the IG and give LRC contractors additional reasons to delay the inevitable - talks with Ambazonia, with the IG as principal.

The blood of our fallen heroes shall speak against every spoiler of our revolution, in their going out and in their coming in. I am not a prophet but wait and see their unhappy ending!

Fellow Ambazonians,

Dear Stakeholders,

I am only your captain, and I am not the owner of this boat, you are. For the past 4 months, I and my crew tried very hard without success to stem the rise of lawlessness in our revolution.

We tried in vain to uphold the rule of law as the fundamental tenet of our new nation, we tried in vain to wrestle against the culture of hate and mutual destruction in our liberation machine, as one supposed arm of government, the RC transformed itself into an opposition party rallying every piece of dissent and negative emotions within the struggle to create a hit squad against me, fueled by lies, misinformation, frustration, anger and greed. Being the stakeholders and owners of this struggle, I decided to invite you here in this solemn convocation much sooner than expected, to assume your sovereign place in this struggle and decide on the way out and the way forward. I decided we give you the silent majority, the true sponsors of this liberation quest, the opportunity to combine your whispers so your voices can be heard loud and clear, so you can take the lead and Ambazonians follow.

This is our opportunity to tell the world how governance in Ambazonia will look like - a government of the people, for the people and by the people.

I say this without suggesting we are already in the governing phase of our endeavor, we are still in the liberation phase. However, the democracy we need now is that which is limited in height or size by our established agreements, laws, established creed and our collective resolve. We call that building a constitutional culture for our new nation.

Today this ASSC II gives every one of us the opportunity to take over once more the giant steering wheel of our liberation train from drivers who now think they own us, people who rubbish our laws, trash our constitution and despise our voices, people whose public display of ignorance, is making a mockery of our God-ordained struggle in the eyes of many of our serious international partners.


Our institution of the RC has been hijacked, confiscated and extremely bastardized, by some who are not answerable to you the stakeholders gathered here. We have the option to fight to redeem its image from the sticky mud of shame and disgrace or abandon it or rebrand it and make it honorable again, again of our collective aspirations. LGAs are the basic units of our liberation machinery.

There would be no resistance today, no Draft for our ARFs, no Interim Government structure without our LGAs. Our central government should therefore be constituted by the representatives of these strategic cells called LGAs. Yes, the IG was created as a conglomerate of independent organizations in the diaspora and friends of the movement known as

Country and Regional Coordinators. That era has passed. This struggle as from 2018 stands on the shoulders of LGAs and Counties, no more no less. For any formation or group of people to have the final say on the matter of steering this revolution, who don’t represent the will of these LGAs is self-representation without a mandate. The question we should answer is can a man like Mr Kometa, who represents an SCNC faction, not a contributing LGA, or County representative be given the absolute power to make the rules of a war his organization does not fund.

That is leadership without a constituency. A dissolution of that so-called RC by this sovereign gathering of stakeholders is the prayer of many Ambazonians. I recommend we collapse it and replace it with a more befitting name such as House of Representatives. The Chair be renamed Mr. or Madam Speaker.

I think being a “Chair” is erroneously associated with executive functions. Little wonder why Mr. Kometa the Chair of the defunct RC arbitrarily assumed to have executive power to supervise the 61 LGAs, call audits, issue executive orders, amend the constitution or organize elections unilaterally. Maybe if his title was Mr. Speaker, he probably would have been reminded that House only speaks laws, the Executives implements, or that speakers don’t speak and implement as they chose. That is lawlessness and total disorder.

Some Expectations:


We must do a SWOT analysis of our APP model that has served this revolution more than any other if there were any before. We put this model in place in Berlin and today we can come out with amendments that will ensure better performance.

The APP Committee is doing a tremendous work reviewing our model as we have it today. There are organizational changes and inputs that we must consider strengthening our liberation apparatus.

For example, the issue of civil society in our home front (GZ) must formally be integrated into our administrative structure to form shadow executive bodies in each LGA and County, to create the enabling environment for easy establishment of the transitional authority after our restoration is fully actualized.

We should strengthen our conflict resolution and supervisory efficacy. Fortify the IOC and make it more proactive in supervising the financial aspects of national projects; set up Oversight Committees in all Counties to supervise all County projects and report to the IOC. The IOC or OC should require periodic project updates from all project managers and report same to the hierarchy. The IOC and the OC should hear disputes in a timely manner and make

recommendations to hierarchy.


Dear Stakeholders, the ASSC II Committee for Self Defense and security is working in the backend to consider your recommendations to make our ARFs a strong national army that will guarantee our victory in the war and the ability to defend the freedoms of the new republic.

We created the ANSC in Berlin three years ago. Its progress is being evaluated.

We want to make sure the ANSC is the backbone of our Defense apparatus after this ASSC II.

Unlike the Ambazonia Self-defense Council and Victoria Relief Foundation, we will not create structures and organizations that would be grabbed by spoilers, by people who use them for our detriment. Let’s nourish, cherish, and fix all the good products of our vision so we don’t scatter every time we want to make progress.

We will bridge every gap between the IG and our Restoration Army


This ASSC II Committee is not here to revise the interim constitution, that would be a job for a Constitutional Amendment committee. But we hope to achieve certain resolutions that should form the basis for some needed amendments to our Interim Constitution.

In a nutshell, the committee was put up to collect your opinions, summarize them in expert terms, and present them to this General Assembly so we may consider our decisions from this assembly as assignments cut out for those you have put in authority to manage this revolution.

We are here to receive your matching order. Never again should anyone one should go into his or her room and churn out pieces of paper to replace our constitution again. We the people must not only uphold that document with jealousy but cherish it and hold it as sacred above every individual in power.


Our Country and Regional Coordinators are very important stakeholders belonging to the executive arm of this IG. We should recommend appointing them officially as our ambassadors to the nations – that is who they really are. They constitute our National Coordination for Diplomacy which should be in the frontline of our Diplomatic infrastructure worldwide.

These should henceforth be appointed by the central government as Ambassadors to represent our struggle in the different countries, and regions of the United States and Canada.

We should continue to work wisely with Team ACT in a policy of strategic engagement. I recommend we work to preserve ACT as Ambazonia’s association for negotiation, to facilitate our negotiation process with LRC. That does not take away the veto power from the IG being the principal on the Ambazonia side.

We will not remain in ACT because we agree on everything. Let’s be there because we agree on one thing – to talk with LRC on the same side.

The IG is the leader so we should lead or provide leadership in this crucial phase of our endeavor.

Fellow Ambazonians,

If you needed an angel to lead this struggle, I would not be here, because I have many weaknesses and unlike my critics, I make mistakes. If you were looking for a Shakespearean orator that would charm you with flowery language I would not be here because I am not one. If you were looking for a rich guy to free Ambazonia I would not be here because I don’t have what it will take to buy our freedom.

If you were looking for your dream leader I would not probably be here because I don’t think for many of you, I will fit your mold. I am here because I was selected by an act of God.

The God of Ambazonia believe it or not, knew that I will fight a good fight without blinking. That I am resolved to land this boat whatever the waves, NEVER by the shores of our enemies but at the feet of our capital city, Buea. That I will be ready to do so without selling out to the killers of our 35 plus thousands. And I know enough not to be used or deceived by flesh and blood on this matter.

I know enough not to be confused by the smartest crooks who would ever gang against our revolution, I know enough not to be intimidated by rogues and haters, I know enough to guarantee that Ambazonia will not be cheated again on the table by any broker. ‘

Dear freedom fighters, I will not be perturbed by even a mountain of baseless allegations, insults, lies and innuendoes on social media by online bullies.

Yes, I have built enough capital, character-wise, to never steal from those who are desperately looking up to me for survival. We have sacrificed enough and paid the price necessary to expect nothing short of the total independence of Ambazonia restored. The enemy, especially LRC and France, believe me when I say these things, than some of you give me credit for.

But one day this our history shall be read by another generation far removed from our confusion today and they shall separate the true heroes from the villains of our time.

I wish you a wonderful and fruitful ASSC II.

Welcome to Washington 2022.

Viva the Stakeholders of our Liberation Quest

Viva the Federal Republic of Ambazonia

God Bless Ambazonia


 10th March 2022

Samuel I. Sako, Ph.D.,

President Federal Republic of Ambazonia

(Former British Southern Cameroons).