Who Is Our Real Enemy?

Fellow Ambazonians,

We need to know our real enemy. The obvious truth is, no Ambazonian is our enemy. While some of us have a mastery of the situation and we are engaged fearlessly to liberate our great people from oppression, safeguard our national integrity, and to ensure the reclamation of our territorial sovereignty, a few others are mere victims of circumstance. Think about this for one minute as you observe the different assemblies of our people- independentists, federalists, unionists, traitors… You would ask the same question like me; who wouldn't want to live in an economically vibrant, politically stable, and an independent Ambazonia considering the out come of experimentation with the two Cameroons after six decades? 

The good news is: Like never before in our distorted history have we been so close to total freedom. But even as we match ahead, processing the obstacles we are currently faced with, examining with foresight, hoping against hope, and looking forward to that day when we shall all rally in Buea, I will not hesitate to alert us on the rage of an impending storm that may be drastically damaging to this movement if precautions are not taken swiftly. 

It has been observed,however that bitterness, fickle-mindedness, and all sorts of unruliness have been festering within our own very close ranks creating unworthy distractions. The handwriting on the wall is clear for all to see, and by now we're expected to know where the engineering of such emanates from; 

After failing to force us to submission, the now grand scheme of 'La République du Cameroun' is to have British Southern Cameroons wage a war against itself. And while we are vigorously pushing nearer to victory, they are proactively on a desperate mad-rush, with all their evil mechanizations on full display to dismantle our architecture of self-determination and to have us stumble on the trap of self-destruction. We must not let that happen!!!

They are adopting the slave-masters' formula. A formula colonial-masters also employed. And today, imperialists are re-adopting same - dividing to conquer. They have not only branded us into subgroups and instigated different interest points, they've gone to the extent of disguising like us to decapitate our own very people with clear intentions to turn us against each other. 

My dear people, 

We must come to the realization that in our very unified engagement to totally unclutch the Franco-Beti/Bulu grip on our homeland, we can not suddenly become our own very enemy. Not today! Not ever! Not under our enlightened watchful eyes! Not at a time when we have been so well acquainted with our true history, and we can identify even with our eyes closed the tricks of our real enemy. 

It is no news that some quarters of our independence restoration quest have been so badly infiltrated by agents of darkness. This alone should be a call for vigilance. We have come too far, learned too many lessons, and we know exactly how to minimize such infiltrating factors and their vestiges. We can not allow ourselves with this consciousness to be tossed around the same cycle for this long. If any Ambazonian-born is still nurturing fear, or standing on the fence, or hoping to throw the towel because of the Biya's script in action, before you arrive at the next thought, permit me to succinctly scale you through where we are coming from; 

When our independence was stolen in 1961, our government under the esteemed leadership of Prime Minister John Ngu Foncha was viciously neutralized by the then French Cameroun's President Ahmadou Ahidjo, and we were technically being being subjected to the painful, humiliating experience of recolonization, with the perfect calculation to systemically assimilate us, and finally annihilate us as a people;

We despaired, we wasted, we counted the days, weeks, months, years, decades and wished for the slightest glimpse of light, no matter it's strength. We nurtured hope. Some called it foolish, illogical hope. In the early nineties (90s) it was a single flicker, the creation of a structured nationalist front- the SCNC  a spark of the flame. In the eyes of the S.T Muna, Augustine Ngom Jua and later on Ni John Fru Ndi it also seemed impossible. Just like the path ahead, through war and revolution. 

No one ever thought a day like this will come, when a generation like ours will arise eye-ball to eye-ball, and will tell the oppressor enough! That is why I am convicted deep down in my spirit, that keeping the hope of Ambazonia alive, and trusting heartily the Almighty, is the only shield we have against the raging darkness of occupation. 

Fellow Ambazonians, 

Remember: All Ambazonians (Federalists, unionists, traitors...)who may be defaulting from a common good, are victims and should be treated as such. Their future and protection is on us. If we fail which of course we can't, we would have translated slavery even unto their forth generation. While we pray,  aiming that someday, they may come to their rightful senses, be bold to confront the oppressor in a more appropriate manner and to join this chariot of independence restoration, we will not relent our collective and laudable efforts to win this battle for them too. 

To be sincere: We could have more lives wasted in the coming days. We could be betrayed or be delayed. But one thing we can not afford to do, is to bequeath to the next generation a filthy inheritance. Instead we as the genuine custodians of this movement will continue to mobilize our strengths, minimize with our best of skills every collateral damages  and stay focused on the goal. Don't forget there's a master plan- Drafting. Get involved. 

Long Live Ambazonia 
Short Live The War

God Bless Bless You 
And May God Bless The Federal Republic Of Ambazonia. 

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