It is said that if you dance on water your enemies will accuse you of raising dust and if you kill a tiger, they will say you killed a cat; now that the President of the Interim Government, the goal – getter, the focused, the incorruptible, the resilient and daring Dr Sako is breaking more grounds in the liberation struggle, the enemies of the struggle.

Now coup plotters are stopping at nothing as they devise one dead on arrival strategy after another to give the hunter (dog) a bad name in order to hang it – but they have been paid in full as Sako keeps weathering the storms and writing his name on the sands of time as a genuine liberation leader, the Ambazonian people’s choice

Undaunted has been reliably informed that coup plotters are planning to write or have even written a letter to the International Community that President Sako was impeached.

Nine months after this evil machination was floored for lack of evidence, were the coupers waiting for their master LRC do withdraw from the negotiations at the Swiss – led process before going revisiting their diabolic plot?

The International Community knows which leader calls the shots in the Southern Cameroons/ Ambazonia Struggle.

In this light Sako remains the unchallengeable challenger, dreaded by coupers and LRC and the international stakeholders are informed that no hotchpotch fabricated by LRC can lead anywhere.

Bonafide Ambazonians have observed that the group of "demented confusionist" - Kometa, Sango Louis Eyongwe, Chris Ajua, Epah, Chris Anus,...

Who championed the poignant venture were either ignorant, probably arrogant, and mostly compromised and as arbitrators they weren't seeking for justice.

They add that “available data, protocols and processes that, the constituent assembly that could enhance an amendment of the Interim constitution to include their demands was made up of stakeholders (donors, draftees...), unfortunately for them their joker Chris Anu wasn't eligible to participate at his desired levels (he doesn't have records as a giver).

In fact at least 90% of coupers were not going to qualify as voters/stakeholders; and that that why coupers carefully avoided ASSC 2

Another agenda of LRC and the coupers to keep chasing shadows avoiding the substance and postponing the senseless war on which they feed fat is the “New Canadian talks” where LRC has blinded them not to ask questions about the outcome of the failed Major National Dialogue and the failed CDN, and yet still wasting tax payers money in a country like LRC which has been on drips economically since the genocidal war was declared on peace loving Ambazonians seeking only for their fundamental rights.

This position of HE Dr Samuel Ikome Sako, the level headed President of the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia is very clear and laudable and the international stakeholders are informed and warned that no hotchpotch fabricated by LRC can lead to any peaceful resolution of the war and all participants in the Canada informal talks will return home like a dog with its tail between its hind legs. The new Canada is dead on arrival.

Meanwhile, the strength of the ARF in recent days has been commendable, during the Ndian draft of Saturday , we got some report of how Special ARF are Security thier county by laying a defense against LRC military.