It is obvious that zeal dies with time, and it is only normal that the fire needs to be rekindled for the love of others not to wax cold. The Ambazonia fight for liberation has been in arms since 2017, and for five years and counting, the love of many needs to be rekindled. Here we’ll read through a meditation that serves that purpose by Rev. Babila Fochang

""Go And Tell Pharaoh, 'Let My People Go!'"(Ex.3:1-12&4:10-12).

God is always on the side of the oppressed! The call of Moses was a call for liberation. *"Let my people go"* is God's liberation battle cry! Oppressors may have their day and enjoy it as long as it lasts, but one day God calls a Moses in the burning bush saying, *"I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out...and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out...So now, I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt."* Sadly though, oppressed people do not suddenly all jubilate because somebody comes and claims to be their liberator! Moses raised some genuine concerns like the Israelites could ask him who sent him?

And what if they did not believe him or care to listen to him? My people say *"If you want to shave a monkey's head you must first tie its hands. "* You want to make the monkey look good, but if you do not tie its hands it will scratch you. Freedom fighters know this very well. God had assured that the promised land was "a land flowing with milk and honey." But when hunger and thirst hit hard on the Israelites in the desert, many of them longed for the fleshpots of Egypt. The liberator has enemies in both camps. On the one hand there is resistance from the oppressor who is not ready to liberate the oppressed, and on the other hand there is resistance from the oppressed who have built their comfort zone within the confines of their oppression. Such oppressed are seemingly satisfied with the status quo. Freedom does not come for free.

*"Let my people go" comes with a heavy price both ways!* Knowing the challenges that awaits a divine liberator we may understand why there is such reluctance to jump at the first invite from God to go and set his people free. However, a divine liberator has no reason to fear the threats arising from the assignment! God does not send us alone. He does not send us where he will not be. He told Moses, *"I will be with you..."* Not only that, earlier on he told Moses inter-alia, *"So I have come down to rescue them..."* What this means is that when God sends us, he himself is the one doing it through us. The last words of the risen Lord Jesus Christ to the apostles before his Ascenssion was, *"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age"*(Mt. 28:20b). Dear friend, do not give excuses when God assigns you. Do not be afraid. Wherever God sends you he assures, *"I will be with you!"*

Prayer of the week: LORD I will go wherever you want me to go because you are there with me. Amen! Welcome back to a new working day and week! Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!

Rev Babila Fochang.