The government of Cameroon has rejected a third party mediation to resolve the armed separatist conflict in Cameroon’s Anglophone Regions. The chief envoy on the Swiss-Led Mediation, Ambassador Gunther Bachler informed the Ambazonia Coalition Team (ACT) that it is ending its efforts toward brokering peace in the nearly six-year-long war in Southern Cameroons. President Paul Biya reportedly told the President of Swiss confederation Ignazio Cassis in a conversation that the current military option ‘will do.’

A Statement from ACT said.

“We the Southern Cameroonian Liberation Movement, have been briefed of the choice made at the highest level by Cameroon to prioritize war and to seek military victory over a negotiated settlement,” The statement further revealed that “Yaounde has told the Swiss government that they are not interested at this moment in third party mediation.” However,undaunted found out that Switzerland was tasked by a majority of the parties with facilitating an inclusive negotiation process,” the Swiss foreign affairs department (FDFA) said in a statement following two days of talks with a number of opposition groups.

“The aim of the meeting was to prepare the future peace negotiations.” The United Nations estimates that about 1,800 people have been killed and more than 530,000 displaced within the Sourthen Camerons since 2017, with 1.3 million in need in the region. There has been controversy, people are saying that Team AMBAZONIA is dead..but it's not true? Did the swiss led process die with team AMBAZONIA? We would want you to listen to this elaborate response through an audio president Samuel Sako has sent out.. And right after that we will have Tarh Paddy king, secretary of state for foreign affairs Dr Kizito Elad and Dr patience Abiedu who is a member of team AMBAZONIA to tackle some questions in this light and profer some clarity.

Audio of the President for team AMBAZONIA