You know we at undaunted have a mandate,to inform the misformed and disinformation. Contrary to what some would want you to believe, we want to show you how the President got to where he is now.

And we have captioned it thus:

We have been able to compile 17 bullet points we believe you ought to know, so let's take slowly and do follow us closely:

1. Dr Sako joined this IG as an outsider, but was only persuaded by Sisiku Ayuk Tabe. Sako joined the struggle as an influential activist known as Dr Common Sense. Never a conclave attendee at any time.

2. Two months after he joined Sisiku Ayuk Tabe was kidnapped with members of IG in Nigeria, Bucket mouth who was a senior Minister and others like Bonga Harmony lost at the elections to replace Sisiku Ayuk Tabe. Bobga had 0 vote, Bucket Mouth had 1 vote and Dr Sako had ALL the votes. Bobga quite the IG but Bucket mouth vowed to stay and destroy Dr Sako.

3. Dr Sako took over the IG and met only $5000 in the Sisiku’s Treasury. All the Citizenship levy was gone, all the world tour donations to Sisiku gone! The Treasury was made up of Sisiku’s Brother - Brado Tabenyang and High School girlfriend - Helen Akonji.

4. There was no organized defense in AMBAZONIA. Sisiku and Milan’s DoD was a big smokescreen, even SCBC was another scam because it was a private enterprise owned by Sisiku and Milan but used Ambazonians to fund. Dr Sako dissolved the DOD scam and systematically faced out the SCBC thievery. Many of the scammers behind these scams launched A SAKO MUST GO MOVEMENT called SCOOP and APNC . But they failed to remove Sako.

5. Dr Sako discovered another deal where the Sisiku team had agreed to pay his Chief of Staff, a former classmate of his, Mr Elango parading as a Lobby Group $1Million to give AMBAZONIA independence and recognition. They were deceiving Ambazonians with demonstrations, but sharing their money amongst themselves- the people were being massacred in the Home Front with no DEFENSE FORCE to resist the Enemy.

6. Dr Sako abolished the scams and established the ARF - AMBAZONIA Restoration Forces. Launched My Trip To Buea MTTB to fund the boys. The internal saboteurs like Nso Foncha, Chebs, Celeste, etc from the defunct DOD and the Sako-Must-Go group sabotaged the initiative by stealing MTTB money meant for the defense of the homeland. They wanted Sako to fail so Ambazonians would spew him out. Wicked people.

7. Dr Sako called for a National Audit, Sisiku asked his Brother Brado and Helen Akonji not to collaborate with the audit. Thirteen auditors from all 13 counties audited Dr Sako’s government for 40 days and found that 1/4 of MTTB was spent on finding the missing Nera 10, another 1/4 was spent on sustaining the SCBC scam and the remaining half went into the hands of the saboteurs who were supposed to help the volunteer fighters on the ground. The audit found that Sako was NEVER paid any salary like Sisiku, he did NOT syphon the people’s money, the spoilers and the fake defense operatives were responsible for the lack of impact in the Home Front. They wanted Sako to fail. They even set up Dr Sako to be abducted in South Africa using a fake deal known as “Plan B”. Sako escaped the trap by cancelling his trip to meet the deal makers.

8. Sisiku was advised by Bankoui to fire Dr Sako from behind bars in 2019 after Bobga’s APNC unsuccessful attempt to unseat Sako. Yaounde told Sisiku to remove Sako so that they can negotiate with him for his release on a one Cameroon solution. Sako was “removed” by Sisisiku but the people of AMBAZONIA said NO! A prisoner in the hands of tge enemy we are fighting cannot lead AMBAZONIA from behind bars. Ambazonians decided to take nstead fire the compromised Sisiku. The Sako-Must -Go movement failed again.

9. Chris Anu’s Mother was then abducted by Bankoui and the regime entered into a deal with Chris Anu to help them remove Dr Sako in return for the release of his mother and family.

10. Anu took over the ABC and ran it as his private enterprise. Was receiving money for satellite bills but eating the money. In one year ABC owed more than $100,000. Anu put himself on a salary of $2500 a month with 2 ghost workers in his payroll. No contracts to show for. He was feeding fat on ABC. He syphoned money to produce an App for ABC but until today nothing to show. Dr Sako decided to create a Board of Directors to take over the catastrophic management of ABC.

Chris started his revolte - seeing his ABC was in the process of being taken away by the Board.

11. Chris set up Dr Sako to be eliminated in Ghana, Sako turned down the deal. Chris in late 2020 again set up Dr Sako to be abducted in Addis Ababa, Sako turned down the deal.

12. Chris was on a mission critical to take out Dr Sako by all means. He started assembling all dissenters within the IG to remove Dr Sako politically.

13. Anu brought a deal to Dr Sako from a LRC security agent pretending to be from CDC. The man wanted CDC to sponsor the IG of Dr Sako. The wiseman Dr Sako REJECTED the fake deal.

14. Anu brought other two fake deals to supply Defence tools to the ziG as soon as the DRAFT was launched successfully in 2020. The 1st was from “Alhadji” in Angola, but Dr Sako rejected it. The second was from another “Alhadji” in Gambia/Liberia. He and his coup plotters John Egyawan and Abongwa to persuaded Dr Sako to accept the deal. Dr Sako assigned Abongwa to handle the fake deal they brought to him. They syphoned $135,000 from the IG under the pretext of supplying tools to contain CHAN and AFCON. When the counties insisted they want their money refunded Chris Anu said that will not be possible because his friend the supplier is a scammer! They wanted Dr Sako to fail so that Abazonians could remove him.

15. Chris Anu rallied renegades the defunct RC, KOMETA, Abongwa, Egyawan, Christencia Asong, rogue activists, Laripublic agents like Dr Epah, and Richard Tangu Yengo and a few unscrupulous county/LGA executives and treasurers in some counties to bring down Sako with trumped up allegations. They failed again. Dr Sako challenged them to produce evidence which they are still looking for till today.

16. Their final move now is to remove Dr Sako from the negotiation table as LRC has requested. And establish another government on GZ in the bush. Their decision is to destroy the struggle instead of Dr Sako to have the final say, end the struggle for the restoration of the independence of Southern Cameroons and get rewarded by the LRC.

17. The so-called government of Marianata has failed woefully to the disappointment of Etoudi. Their next move is to do all to survive the court case against them and kill Dr Sako physically. But God has made Dr Sako a pillar for Ambazonia’s independence!