Refocusing and restructuring of the Ambazonian Restoration Forces promising brighter days ahead.

+ Who are the Enemies of Ambazonians? How many Enemies should Ambazonians be aware of?

+ Ambazonians are dying, and there must be a stop.

+ Special thanks to the incorruptible President Sako who is working tirelessly to ensure we get to Buea soon.

With the newly inaugurated House of Representatives, our people will know the truth and the right part to stand also, the Ambazonia Restoration Forces will have full confidence to protect their people.

In a three dimensional approach, the President is doing what he knows best; one major step ahead with the Swiss Led process, he restored the Augustine Ngom Jua’s House of Representatives over the weekend, and he is restructuring the Ambazonia Restoration Forces to enhance a more than 2021 ground game.

The seed of cacophony sown within the People's Interim Government by la République du Cameroun and France through corrupt and selfish individuals in the likes of Chris Anu - former Sec. of state, Kometa Elvis - former Chairman of the defunct Restoration Council, Abongwa Harrison - former V. President and a host of others, before the ASSC 2 spilled over to the home front almost paralyzing the struggle for Ambazonia as the Restoration Forces were left in total dilemma.

The unspeakable horror and devastating actions of those aptly referred to as Coup plotters were already having a toll on some generals and commanders. Confusion took and overwhelmed these valiant warriors on the ground. The struggle for Ambazonia almost came to a stand-still.

It is in a bit to redress these wahalas that after the ASSC 2 , H.E Dr. Sako, upon receiving a new fire from that historic conference embarked on putting order amongst the RESTORATION FORCES. And his actions are already bearing fruit.

A number of generals and commanders with battalions and regimens after having understood the agenda of the coup plotters decided to out rightly and publicly declared their renewed allegiance to the Ambazonian people through the Interim Government and submission to their President and Commander in chief Dr Sako.

Amongst others, the Ambazonian Restoration Forces of Ngoketunjia County enjoyed the pride of place as the IG restructures the forces bringing them all under an effective leadership and one command system. The CIC Dr. Ikome Sako has pledged diplomatic protection, spiritual coverage and financial/material supplies to all forces receiving command from the People's Interim Government.

IG Watchmen. From the home front. For Undaunted - ABC AMBA NEWS.