Code named “The Winning Phase”, the IG changes strategy to finally dismantle the Franco – Cameroun strongholds in the Southern Cameroons – Ambazonia

The well focused IG had started dismantling the Franco – Cameroun hegemony through the creation of Local government areas- 61 LGAs, and 13 Counties then zoning of the entire territory as follows: Savannah Zone; comprising of Boyo, Donga Mantung, Menchum, Bui and Ngoketunjia Counties. The Midland Zone comprising of Mezam, Momo, Lebialem, and Manyu Counties and The Atlantic Zone made up of Kupe Muanenguba, Meme, Ndian and Fako Counties

This year unlike in the past the IG intends to carry the exercise zone by zone meaning the daft that will kick-start on Saturday February 25 will see the Savannah launching and they will be supported by the rest of the zones and all Ambazonians of good faith all over the world. From the Savannah, the train will move to the Midlands and the Atlantic. After the zones the draft will go round again county by county. This new strategy will mobilize and concentrate funds in the central treasury to avoid money pilfering through wrong hands and hindering progress.

It will be strictly for the federal government, and project - focused aimed at realising feasible projects, revamping the troops in order to redouble fire power on home front and put the enemy at bay once and for all. The IG says this year is a year of acceleration to hit the final nail on the enemy LRC. The IG affirms that LRC is collapsing and the handwriting is on the wall.