Dear Ambazonians and the International Community,

Over the past weeks and in the years to come, the IG under Dr Sako will continue to educate the Ambazonian public on the terrible political, economic and cultural consequences of being part of the French foreign entity called LRC. The political jargon is known as a vassal state – that is to say a country owned by another country by treaty. In this case, the Cooperation treaty signed by President Ahmadou Ahidjo on December 26, 1959, with President De Gaulle of France gave away the sovereignty of LRC to France.

This Interim Government has seen all the documents involved and takes note of the fraud involved. We take note of the fact that both France and LRC hid the treaty and no nation, including the African Block that lobbied the UN Trusteeship Council to avoid breaking up Africa into small states had any idea that LRC had surrendered her sovereignty to France.

Dear Ambazonians, our argument is simple. We were granted independence to join LRC to form a federation. It turned out that LRC was not independent. In the words of President Paul Biya in Paris in 2019, they in LRC attempted to assimilate Ambazonians. Assimilation is evidence of domination which is specifically banned under international law. UN Resolution 1514 in 1960 specifically resolved to condemn the subjugation of people to domination by others. Mr. Biya basically admitted to violating the people of Ambazonia in the failed Cameroon federation.

The overwhelming desire to have sovereign independence restored in Ambazonia did not come as an accident granted that our federation with Cameroon has failed. The failure is manifested in 30,000 Ambazonians killed, over 400 Ambazonian villages burnt by French Cameroon and nearly 125,000 refugees in neighboring countries.

Over 77 years ago, World War II brought peoples of different races, creed and beliefs to stand together to fight global evil to free mankind once and for all. Today, it is very clear that the evil of colonialism is still within our borders in Ambazonia championed and fed by France through her proxy LRC. The evil of Nazism that put the Aryan race above everybody else is now being perpetuated by the French in LRC. Despite French capitulation and collaboration with the Nazi domination under the Vichy government, the Americans and the allies kicked the Nazis out of France and Europe, without which France and Alsace Lorraine today will be a German province. Despite the American and Allied defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, American goodwill went ahead to create the Marshall Plan in 1948. This plan officially called the European Recovery Program, ERP, provided about $118 billion in 2022 money in economic recovery programs to Western European economies.

The largest recipient of Marshall Plan money was the United Kingdom The next highest contributions went to France and West Germany. These funds enabled these countries to build industries and improve on the living standards of their people. For the Hundreds of thousands of Africans who died defending France and despite the American wealth pumped into France, for the past 60 years this country France has been stealing our resources to the tune of 50-80%% of our foreign exports. Is this human? Imagine if America did the same to France after the war, where would France be today economically? Do these people have a conscience? And today’s information age has created an equalizer as far as access is concerned and Ambazonia shall cry at the top its voice that this is injustice that cannot be allowed to continue.

French greed and inhumanity towards black Africans on mainland Africa were displayed when protesting Senegalese Second World War veterans were gunned down in their homeland by the French authorities because of unpaid veteran benefits. Today is 28 years after the French inspired Genocide in Rwanda. France is now coaching LRC to continue Genocide in Ambazonia while the world watches.

We the sons and daughters reject this situation. We continue to call on all Ambazonians to draft to support the Ambazonia Restoration Forces. The small victories in their battles today implant the seed for our eventual freedom.

I want to take this chance again to thank all Ambazonian expatriates in LRC and especially those hosting our internally displaced persons and drafting to support our struggle for independence restoration directly to LGAs.

Viva Ambazonia, Viva the ARF and viva the People of Ambazonia.

Read, ratified, and signed by

Martin Mungwa PhD, F.ASCE

Secretary Of State - Department of Communication and IT

Federal Republic of Ambazonia