The Colonial administrators and their occupational forces have transformed the Bafut airport in mezam county into a concentration camp.

It would appear that La République du Cameroun is not only establishing military camps in Ambazonia but they are now using Ambazonian infrastructure to abuse them.

Our intelligence has it with certain that the camp habors alot of Ambazonian citizens which la République du Cameroun terrorist forces kidnapped. This is what lrc terrorist forces are doing; Each time they suffer deathly casualty from the brave Amabzonian Restoration Forces  they just move into that camp and remove people from there and murder without remous 

History has it that Hitler treated the Jews in a like manner, and it is shocking to see how the world is watching Biya do the exact same to Ambazonians.

We are reliably informed that Last week four young and able guys were brutally murdered and their lifeless bodies were thrown along the bafut- wum strectch of road. Two days ago again seven bodies have been thrown along that stretch of  the same road again.

This is indeed unfortunate!

We will bring more details of this report in our subsequent newscast

That notwithstanding this never again generation of Ambazonia happens unwavering, undaunted.

Like it is said m, "You can not hide light"; let's watch a light from Bui that's shining all around the world.