Father, Two Sons Killed In Mbonge By LRC Military

As the days go by, we can understand clearly the reasy LRC has not agreed to any negotiation process and even declininfrom the swiss led mediation process.

It seems like The professionalism of the colonial LRC military is questionable.

The professional military Of LRC has killed a father and two sons in a village in the equitorial state of Ambazonia.

You ask yourself , How can an elite forces turn to kill innocent and armless civilians?

Are they acting on their own or executing instructions from the hierarchy?

The Colonial LRC Soldiers have killed three persons breaking Monday October 10, 2022 at Mbonge LGA. A father and two sons assassinated.

The colonial LRC military are now pouring their frustration on innocent civilians. They have completed missed out their game plan against the home front fighters.

The resistance mounted by the Ambazonian home front fighters is indeed a hard nut to crack for La Republique du CameroUn military.

The use of improvised explosive device (IED) by the fighters against the colonial military of LRC, has devastating material effects and human casualties. The colonial military of LRC have systematically avoid using some earth roads for fear of these explosives.

Whenever the colonial soldiers loyal to dictator Paul Biya suffer in the hands of the Ambazonian fighters, they vent their rage on the innocent population.

This time around, three persons, a father two sons were killed by these thugs of Pau Biya in their cocoa farm in Mbonge.

The three have been laid to rest while the entire locality is still to recover from the shock.

Here is a video of the funeral of these three lost