Presdent Macrons choice of an army general as ambassador to lrc, is a clear indication that after the rejection of swiss mediation to end the war, france and lrc have chosen the war path which will meet stiff resistance from the fire-eating, no nonsense arfs ready to burn the midnight oil till buea. General thierry marchand has been appointed ambassador of france to cameroon. the french army general appointed on september 15 2022, takes over from christophe guillou who had held the position since 2019. General thierry marchand before his appointment had occupied different functions in gabon, car, djibouti and somalia both in the army and in french administration. It comes after cameroon signed some military deals with Russia. Skeptics see this appointment as new french tactic to change the ball game, crush the separatists fighting for an independent country, ambazonia since 6 years and counting. It is believed that general thierry marchand will work hand in glove with general bouba debekreo to crush the separatists fighters the ambazonia restoration forces- arfs that have been a thorn in the flesh of french cameroun soldiers since the senseless war was declared.

Worthy to note that cameroun just rejected the long awaited swiss led mediation process arrived at by the interim government led by president sako aimed at ending the senseless war. The appointment of a general at this point in time is clear indication that france and cameroun have decided to continue on the war path rather than seeking the table for negotiated peaceful settlement of the conflict. One observer says general thierrys mission is to supervise and reinforce the ongoing franco-cameroun genocide in ambazonia as well as prepare the ground for the enthronement of frank biya as successor to his genocider father in case biya joins his ancestors. Some pundits have observed and rightly too that the international community must consider an immediate international military intervention in ambazonia to put an end to the conflict in the gulf of guinea, now that la république du cameroun has now officially declared itself as an enemy to peace in the gulf of guinea