La République Cameroun’S colonial governor of southern zone, the terrorist Okalia Bilai thinking that the demise of the dreaded Field Marshall of Lebialem might have brought normalcy in Lebialem county scheduled the installation of one of LRC’s colonial pages, the SDO of Lebialem this Thursday August 4 at Menji the capital of the colonial Division only to be shocked as he was welcomed by a ceremonial ground heavily ghosted. The county and its LGAs are haunted.

The occupier colonial governor Okalia Bilai like his counterpart Lele l’Afrique are some of those feeding fat on the war declared by their Monarch Biya on the Southern Cameroons, Ambazonia. Both Okalia and Lele are long on retirement but have remained in place thanks to the war that is taking its toll on innocent Ambazonian lives. Sources close to the colonial powers in Yaounde say both manage a monthly risk allowance of FCFA 50 million each for the purpose of the ongoing war. Colossal sums they have never seen in their entire careers as civil administrators from ENAM. Both of them employ dubious crooked means, lies telling and sometimes they create situations themselves make false alarms to justify usage of their new found fortune and make-belief to the colonial regime in Yaounde that things are returning to normalcy for a one and indivisible LRC.

Watch the images of Menji LGA, the capital city of Lebialem and see for yourself that the Ambazonian quest for freedom is not a joking matter. Field Marshall or no Field Marshall, there is no turning back

We will now have Prof. Ayim Martin to react to these Untold Stories from the homefront.