Greetings All!

There is a lot of confusion in the Homefront especially now that the UNGA is in session. An urgent message has to be sent out in English, Pidgin English, all our dialects from our LGA chairs, County Chairs, IHR Reps, activists etc, highlighting the following:

1. President Sako is the President of the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia.

2. Messages from individuals like Ayuk Tabe, Marianta, Anu and their surrogates must be ignored.

3. Even though LRC claims that she has pulled away from the Swiss Led Process, Team Ambazonia is alive and on course getting ready for Negotiations when the time comes. Our Conflict with LRC will end on the table whether LRC wants it or not.

4. ABC Amba TV is our only National TV at this time. That is the source for credible information about our struggle for International recognition!

5. Continue to Draft, Draft, and Draft!

Ma Patience Abiedu

Sept 19, 2022