LRC Military Officers Locked Up For Refusing To Fight Ambazonian Fighters .

There is fire on the mountain. There is division within La Republique du CameroUn forces, as some conscious ones have decided not to take up arms again against the Ambazonian liberation fighters.

This is a big blow on the part of the colonial Cameroun government who took a military option rather than diplomacy when the people of Southern Cameroons Ambazonia manifested their discontainment of being marginalized.

The one time declared two cubes of sugar by a colonial Minister in LRC government have stopped dissolving.

There is no amount of forces that can defeat a people who are backed by the truth and God. The Ambazonian quest for the restoration of their Statehood is a Devine ordained mission and no body or group of persons can hinder that.

If LRC has started fighting her white blood cells, the military, therefore she is finished.

What a blow on the part of the LRC.

Prisons, different cells in colonial police stations in the Northern Zone of Ambazonia are all full with LRC military officers.

These soldiers are encassarated for refusing to face the Ambazonian liberation fighters.

These victimized colonial LRC forces justify their refusal to go for battle that the use of improvised explosive devices IEDs by the fighters is a hard nut to crack and is killing them in their numbers.

Sensing that refusal to go for battle might eventually lead them changing camps, their chief of arm force, dictator Paul Biya ordered for their detention.

The use of IED has been a very successful weapon in the hands of the Ambazonian liberation fighters. The IEDs, they are able to disfigure the heavy war designed vehicles of LRC.

The roads LRC yesterday denied tarring, knowing that she was punishing the people of Ambazonia, are the same roads killing them today. It is on these earth roads and roads full with potholes that these devises are planted.

The last exploit of the successful use of the improvised explosive devices was along the Bamenda-Bafut road, where an Armour car was shattered and all the occupants killed.

Human rights groups and international bodies have called on dictator Paul Biya to embrace a genuine and inclusive dialogue as a way out to resolving the crisis. An option he is not willing to accept.

Now that the soldiers he had so much counted on is failing him, it might be the start of him considering dialogue as the better option.