A look at Ambazonia Liberation Struggle and Tibor Nagy’s prophecy

Let’s take a look at Ambazonia Liberation Struggle and Tibor Nagy prophesy, he says:-

  • LRC Cannot defeat Ambazonia

The Ambazonian quest for total independence and recognition is God ordained and this has been proven beyond every reasonable doubt to all the sellouts, enablers, coupers, doubting Thomases, stubborn LRC and the international community. Many are in these categories and more who are only ashamed to admit or confess publicly that their diabolic plans, shady or backdoor deals to undermine this genuine course have floored woefully. But as the saying goes, “if you can’t beat them, join them”. Join the IG

This new year 2023, Tibor Nagy, the former US Under Secretary for African Affairs known to be very controversial in his outing about the plight of the people of the Southern Cameroon, Ambazonia has set a new pace which Undaunted believes other pretenders and those still sitting on the fence should follow


In his twit of Monday January 9, 2023, Tibor Nagy’s prayer is that the Ambazonia liberation struggle witnesses dramatic progress in 2023 to alleviate the suffering of the peace loving and justice seeking people of Ambazonia.

Tibor’s prediction or prophesy comes just at the time the President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia Dr Samuel Ikome Sako and his IG are on the diplomatic offensive for the world to recognize Ambazonia as Africa’s 55th Nation and the world’s 94th nation. The year 2023 therefore promises to be a do or die one for this liberation struggle to break the last chains and inscribe Ambazonia on the world map. The second wish, prophesy or prediction of the US diplomat is that Ambazonians must be united stressing on unity of purpose.

As the saying goes; “United we stand, divided, we fall” or “Unity is strength” the Sako government has never closed its doors to any bonafide Ambazonian or group that stood for the genuine quest for freedom. However, sellouts, enablers, coupers, one camerounians, special statutians, federalists etc took Sako’s leniency for a weakness.  Today as the saying goes, “Once beaten, twice shy” or “Once beaten by a snake, fear a millipede” Dr Commonsense and his government have learnt their lessons and have stood for the unity of purpose indeed with those who adhere to the manifesto of the interim government which uncompromisingly stands for the total independence of Ambazonia.

Bonafide Ambazonians must understand that, not everyone who shouts “Ambazonia” or goes around as leader is truly Ambazonia or truly a leader.  Most of them if not all have been compromised because of their greediness and are no longer fighting the genuine liberation fight.  Some are even just merchants struggling to see how much they can gain for themselves on the blood of innocent Ambazonian people killed by the genocidal LRC barbaric thugs. Unity of purpose will work only for those genuine fighters and leaders whose lone goal is reaching Buea come rain come shine as inscribed on the banner of the IG.


Tibor Nagy being a seasoned diplomat has read the handwriting on the wall. He now acknowledges that LRC cannot defeat Ambazonia because Ambazonians are fighting an ideology and the war is in their spirit. The Ambazonian spirit can never die no matter the intimidation, bribery and corruption, killings, and the divide and rule tactics of the enemy LRC.  Ambazonia has risen to fall no more. Tibor acknowledges this. The resilience of the valiant Ambazonian restoration fighters at home front in spite infiltration from the enemy and intimidation and the stance of their Commander in-Chief Dr Samuel Ikome Sako and the IG are sure proofs that LRC can never defeat Ambazonia.

Some Francophone free thinkers like Dieudonne Essomba have written and spoken that: “L’armée ne peut pas battre les Ambazoniens --- préparons a accueil un nouveau état d’ Ambazonie” (the colonial lrc military cannot defeat Ambazonian restoration fighters ... let’s be ready to welcome a new nation; Ambazonia) . This man has been banned from public TV shows and debates several times but he keeps insisting and rightly too that Ambazonians are fighting a just cause; what some so called Ambazonians or anglofools don’t even see because LRC has blinded them with blood money.

Undaunted can now say with certainty that Tibor Nagy is on the right tract for what God had put asunder no one born of woman can put together:- case of LRC vs Ambazonia.