LRC colonial authorities in Ambazonia are bent on wiping out the entire population of Ambazonia. While Dictator Biya is denying any opening for a genuine dialogue, his elements are on a killing expedition on the ground in Ambazonia. The colonial Brigade Commander of Tubah Local Government Area on February 16, 2023, entered Babanki Tungo and killed an entire family. Is it by killing women and children that the thugs of Biya think they are going to kill the Ambazonian spirit of fighting for restoration?

And Good evening Ambazonians

The colonial Commander of Tubah colonial Gendarmerie post, a colonial officer from French CameroUn wiped out an entire Family in Babanki Tungo, Women and Children were not spared. This macabre act took place on Thursday, February 16, 2023. Miraculously a 4-month-old baby survived the massacre, lying on the dripping blood of her dead mother. The crime of these innocent Ambazonians, victims of the excesses of the colonial LRC Soldiers is that they are relatives to an Ambazonian Freedom Fighter

It's standard practice for French CameroUn to go kill and harass relatives of people they seek to kill or arrest. A total violation of the rights of these relatives. Unable to face the might of the Ambazonian Restoration Forces on the field the weak LRC military officers have resorted to attacking, arresting, and killing relatives of the fighters. This incident in Babanki Tungo is just one of such acts committed for the same reason by the elements of the colonial Paul Biya deployed to Ambazonia.