Belinga Amougou alledgedly arrested for the Gruesome Murder of Journalist Martinez Zogo.

The LRC’s nouveau riche, arrogant and all powerful regime thug Amougou Belinga has been arrested and now in the dragnet of LRC security.

He was Cited severally following the brutal assassination of Journalist Martinez Zogo of his involvement in the tragic death, Amougou Belinga, his in-law, and his director of communication were rounded up in the early hours of this February 6, 2023 and are presently at the LRC national Gendarmerie for questioning

Last week, news went viral all over the social media of his arrest but the nouveau riche, and arrogant Amougou Belinga reappeared in his office in grandstyle as if to tell the world that he was still that untouchable in LRC with powers to make and unmake. Reason why today’s arrest was immediately confirmed by his neighbours as eyewitnesses and the head of Anecdote media group which he operates through a written communiqué.

Amougou Belinga. One of his Journalists, Bruno Bidjang and Colonel Etoundi Esuie, former Commander of the Presidential Guard and Amougou Belinga’s in-Law were also arrested this morning without any summons. Other details reaching Undaunted say people are already scrambling to withdraw their money from Vision Finance a micro finance bank operated by Amougou Belinga for fear that it may disappear with their money after the arrest of the boss.