Cameroun Economist, Dieudonné Essomba calls for a Political Solutions to the Ambazonia Issue.

Dieudonné Essomba a very sound minded Francophone of Bulu - Beti extraction has warned La republique time and again that they will never win the stupid war they declared on Ambazonia. He says without chewing his words that these Ambazonians you see today sooner or later you will see them no more. He quotes examples of Eritrea, South Sudan etc and say Ambazonians are in a legitimate fight which to them is an ideology and that no army in the world has won such a war.

Dieudonné Essomba states categorically that former president Amadou Ahidjo first blundered by abolishing the federal system that brought the two people together and President Biya didn’t do better and even did worse by declaring war which his army can never win. He admonishes that the Ambazonians first came out with peace plants, and when they were brutalised, they started with stones, rubber guns, spears and today the Ambazonians are using sophisticated weapons including explosive devices and missiles.

Dieudonné Essomba makes it abundantly clear to Yaounde and Paris that the military option to quell the Anglophone secession is a failure, Anglophones will never come back into a unitary state Like every ideology, he enjoined, the Ambazonian war can only end at a negotiating table with belligerent parties making concessions and adds that using force and money will not work because even now la republique du cameroun is down on its knees economically

In very specific terms shouts out:


The MINDEF has not finished apologizing for the unfortunate blunder of the military which cost the lives of 9 citizens that the rebels reacted by massacring 9 gendarmes in a locality in the West, obviously located outside Noso." For those who bragged about the Westphalian state, these events are astonishing, whereas for me, it's in the normal order of things.

"As I said at the outset, there is no human means by which the Government can keep Anglophones in the bonds of a unitary state. Consequently, the only solution was the return to a revamped and updated federal state." Says Dieudonne ESSOMBA. He went further to explain.

The interest of a federal model was threefold:

1. We emptied of their substance the arguments of the Secessionists who are based on the historical fact that independent Cameroon was built on the basis of 2 States, and that one State swallowed the other. Which is true beyond the legal quibbles inspired by the bad faith of Francophones.

2. The recruitment base of the Secession was dried up, making it unattractive, because the majority of Anglophones were federalists

3. The means of action of the State were reinforced by opposing the Secessionists with local police recruited from the same population and controlling the geographical and human environment. This made it possible to count on the support of the population, to avoid blunders and to better target the interventions. Expressed his frustration further; "Unfortunately, a group of academics claiming to be strategists have come to sink the Government into the molasses of a war of occupation of Southern Cameroon by the Republic of Cameroon, in other words, a colonial war impossible to win. What we see today is the logical consequence of this totally stupid choice. And now, what do we do? What do these pseudo-strategists advise the Government? Continue a war impossible to win? Cameroon is on its knees, exhausted, with an economy in tatters and under IMF control. Moreover, this one has just summoned it to lower its budget in order to repay the external debt which is approaching 8,000 billion and in foreign currency! Is that how we're going to continue this crazy, senseless war? Are Cameroonians waiting for their salaries to be cut by talking to them about the war effort?

Dieudonne concludes beautifully: "When I take a technical position, I never change it. The unitary state died with the Anglophones and they will never return to this form of state. The only hope for maintaining Anglophones in Cameroon is the return to the federal state. The blood being shed at the NOSO is completely useless and will lead to absolutely nothing. The unitary state has become a demonic monster that devours its children." But you know what Onyee, I want us to look at the twist of who really Dieudonne ESSOMBA really is. As we examine public opinion, someone wrote this to Kemi Ashu in reaction to Essomba's exciting words: I read. "Kemita Ashu". Patriotic salute. Esomba is a demon. He advised LRC to recruit civilians as vigilante groups; arm them and fight Amba boys. That strategy was used in Nwa, and in Esu. Forget about the rubbish he is spewing out there. We all know what the Fulanis are doing. He speaks in public and people are cheering him but he advised his brothers behind doors. They tell him to talk about federalism which they said was a taboo, to get our reactions."

This observer concluded thus: "They know that we have solidarity amongst us; in the days to come, they will use fighters that they are talking with to stage actions and scam draft money like Anu did. Everywhere now are footage of action. Give them money and they disappear till the next echoes of draft. The scam this time will come from a fighter not from an infiltrated member of the government." This leads us to an overview of the carnage at the home front in recent days. But that will be right after the break.