The erstwhile charismatic chairman of the SDF party who has disappointed the entire Ambazonians by mortgaging a party initially created to fight what was at the time referred to as “The Anglophone problem” , selling the party to the francophones as he wines and dines with them abandoning the sufferings of his people says war cannot fix the problem. Undaunted gathered that he said this during a brief come together with the media at his Ntarinkon residence in Bamenda LGA on Wednesday December 28,2022. This former charismatic leader who is now a shadow of himself because of greed and his inordinate desire for wealth indicated that though he won the presidential elections in the 1992, he gave a deaf ear to war mongers who wanted him to plunge the country in to a war,

“When I won the elections and they said I should go to war to seize my victory, i said I prefer to let go the victory than go to war and get my children killed”, adding that “war is not a good thing. I have seen what war has done to many countries and supporting the idea of war in the North West and South West regions will be the last thing I will ever do". Like every other CPDM militant now, enablers, sell-outs and blacklegs, Fru Ndi added his voice to those calling for Ambazonian freedom fighters to drop their weapons and give peace a chance and remain in perpetual slavery under the yoke of LRC.

Undaunted takes the liberty to ask who declared the senseless war that has claimed over 40.000 lives including women and children, the aged and the pregnant, burnt over 500 villages and homes, incapacitated many, sent hundreds of thousands into hiding, 1.5 million as refugees? Fru Ndi should ask his brother in crime Paul Biya who declared the war to stop it because Ambazonian blood also count and Ambazonians have a right to self defence.