Senator Regina Mundi Saga - Cameroun’s PM Dion Ngute tells BBC; “We tried to bribe for the release of our CPDM Senator in vain”

Mundi's kidnap and media controversy widens; some belief that the actions involved are attracting the intended attention.

What is the truth of the matter? House slave, Prime Minister of La République du Cameroun, Dion Ngute say;

“We offered the Ambazonia militants 40 million FCFA for the release of Senator Regina Mundi. But the separatist leader denied. They are instead requesting that we must swap Nfor Ngalla Nfor and Sisiku Ayuk Tabe for our stateswoman. Those demands are impossible.”

“We will raise the amount to 100 million FCFA when we arrive an internal consensus. But there are no hopes if they will accept the ransom. All attempts to rescue her have failed.”

CPDM Colonial Senator for Bamenda LGA Regina Mundi was kidnapped by Ayaba Cho’s ADF on April 30, 2022 in Bamenda and her kidnappers took pictures of her reading a statement castigating and calling on the Yaounde junta to heed to the call for the release of imprisoned Anglophones since the crisis ensued in 2016.

What beats the imagination of many is that Senator Barrister Kemende Henry an outspoken critic of the moribund CPDM junta in Yaounde was recently shot dead in his car in Bamenda by suspected Lrc military (autopsy report showed bullet proofs) and this same colonial government stayed mute and never raised eyebrows as it is the case with the enabler Senator Mundi member of the CPDM crime syndicate.

After all Kemende was SDF with Ambazonian blood which does not matter in Yaounde. Yes the crime syndicate in Yaounde ‘s silence confirmed their complicity in his death as in many other deaths and atrocities they mastermind from behind the curtains as they and their ADF alliance feed fat from this senseless war Yaounde declared on peace loving Ambazonians reclaiming only their fundamental rights.

The prompt reaction of the Yaounde crime syndicate to bribe their fellow accomplices in crime in Ambazonia is scandalous and speaks volumes because it comes at a time when Lrc is on its knees unable to make ends meet financially: teachers are striking, transporters are striking, prices of basic commodities are increasing at geometric proportions, standard of living of the majority population are very low, towns including Yaounde are filthy, the sewage disposal company is broke and workers on strike and there s scarcity of water and electricity.

This Regina Mundi Gate tells even the blind that refuse to see the colonial government’s hand in reaping fat from this senseless war to now start seeing. The ransom announced by the Yaounde crime syndicate to their accomplices ADF is just an investment to be ploughed back through more kidnappings and lootings.

This bribery move tells everyone why the Yaounde crime syndicate and accomplices ADFare scared of the resilient and strategist President Samuel Ikome Sako and the IG Swiss Process to negotiate and end the war. As it is said, he who runs away from an eminent fight lives to fight a much greater fight tomorrow. Operation Lava-storm III: Faya for Faya will force colonial La Republique du Cameroun and its accomplices to the Swiss talks willy-nilly.